Monday, May 4, 2009

Pictures of Final Book

idea for final

My idea for this project remains the same as it was for the other poem I was going to use.  I still want to do a children's book.  I want to illustrate the pictures in Illustrator and color them.  I want the whole design of the book to be simple and fun for a child.

The poem I chose to use for the book project was “Daddy’s Making Dinner” by Jeff Mondak.  In this book I wanted to emphasize childhood.  I visualized this poem being displayed in a childlike way to appeal to kids and make them want to read.  For this reason, I chose to make a bigger book that was not a regular rectangle.  I chose this book structure because I felt it was more playful for a child.  This relates to my interpretation of the poem because I wanted to emphasize childhood and fun from the beginning.  

The process I went through to make this book started in Adobe Illustrator.  Since I had worked with Adobe Photoshop before and had used it for my last project, I wanted to try something new and decided to use Illustrator.  I had started with the cover.  I wanted to make a big oval shape and decided to use a plate as my idea and repeat the shape through the whole book.  I did the entire cover first to get a feel for what I wanted and then moved on.  As I started the book I did the text pages first.  I split the poem up into what I thought would work best for the book.  I added text in the middle of the plate and squished the words together so that it was not too crowded in the center.  I did this for all the text pages and kept the same text throughout.  After I did the text pages, I drew each picture page out in illustrator.  I wanted to keep the illustrations simple and fun.  When needed, I got an image from google, brought it into Photoshop, made it and outline, and saved it as a png to be brought into Illustrator.  I did this for all the picture pages as well.  Originally, I was going to color the pictures and then scan everything back into the computer and print it out, but then decided to keep it after I colored it.  I wanted to color the book myself because I felt it would add a fun childlike quality to the book and be more relatable to a child when they read it.  After I was finished, I printed the pages and cut each one out.  

To construct the book, I glued the pages to posterboard since I wanted there to be text on the back of the picture pages.  After I cut each page out and mounted it on the posterboard, I colored the pages.  After my first attempt at coloring I was not happy with the result.  So I reprinted and re-colored.  I did not like the second result and again reprinted and re-colored the pages.  After the third time I was happy with the way the pages came out.  I wanted to use softer colors since children normally read books before bed, but add in some bright colors where I thought appropriate.  I then colored the inside of the plate where the text was different colors for a fun effect.  After, I was not too happy about the cover, so I decided to make a flap.  I cut a slit in the page, glued two pieces of paper together, and made the flap for the cover of the book.  On the flap it says, “Lift flap and draw a yucky food!”  I thought this was a good idea because it would allow the child to interact with the book and get them excited about reading it.

After all the pages were done, I hole punched each page in two spots and binded the book together with rings.  I did this because I wanted to continue to keep the book simple, and because the rings matched the overall structural shape of the book.

New Poem for Final

Daddy's Making Dinner by Jeff Mondak

daddy's making dinner
i've seen it all before
french fries black and burning
and meat loaf on the floor

daddy's making dinner
the sugar bowl just broke
fido ate the gravy
the house has filled with smoke

daddy's making dinner
but i'm not one to moan
soon he will surrender
and go pick up the phone

daddy made the dinner
today's my lucky day
dinner's in the trashcan
and pizza's on the way!

Dia Beacon Reactions

I enjoyed going to the Dia Beacon.  The three things that interested me the most there was Sol Lewitt's pieces with the lines.  One of the rooms was squares made from a bunch of lines, and another of his pieces that I liked was the colored one with the many swirly lines.  The other piece I liked was one by Andy Warhol.  There were a bunch of canvases around the room, each one a different color with black painted in it.  If I'm not mistaking, the piece was titled "Shadows," and he had painted a shadow on each of the colored canvases.  The last piece that I really liked was on the lower floor.  I forget who it was by, but it was of 4 large sculptures that you could go inside.  One you just walked in the side, but the last one was created so the viewer had to keep walking around to get in.  I thought all three pieces were really successful and interesting to look at; especially the last one I mentioned because I like how it was interactive.

self visualization project photos

Saturday, April 18, 2009

triptych concept rewrite

What I wound up doing for the triptych project was making a 6 component piece.  3 pictures are done in black and white and are of me getting changed with a bunch of clothes on the bed, me putting on lotion, and me putting on lip gloss.  These 3 pictures represent what people see on the outside.  The next 3 pictures represent 3 different sides of my personality to demonstrate what people should look for on the inside.  For this reason, the pictures are still in color.  The sides of my personality I picked to use were athletic, sweet, and goofy.  These 6 pictures will be framed individually and the colored ones will be placed underneath the black and whites.  This is because when we look at a group we read top to bottom, left to right.  The viewer should notice the top pictures first, which are the pictures that demonstrate what people see on the outside, what they notice first.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009