Monday, May 4, 2009

Dia Beacon Reactions

I enjoyed going to the Dia Beacon.  The three things that interested me the most there was Sol Lewitt's pieces with the lines.  One of the rooms was squares made from a bunch of lines, and another of his pieces that I liked was the colored one with the many swirly lines.  The other piece I liked was one by Andy Warhol.  There were a bunch of canvases around the room, each one a different color with black painted in it.  If I'm not mistaking, the piece was titled "Shadows," and he had painted a shadow on each of the colored canvases.  The last piece that I really liked was on the lower floor.  I forget who it was by, but it was of 4 large sculptures that you could go inside.  One you just walked in the side, but the last one was created so the viewer had to keep walking around to get in.  I thought all three pieces were really successful and interesting to look at; especially the last one I mentioned because I like how it was interactive.

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