Saturday, April 18, 2009

triptych concept rewrite

What I wound up doing for the triptych project was making a 6 component piece.  3 pictures are done in black and white and are of me getting changed with a bunch of clothes on the bed, me putting on lotion, and me putting on lip gloss.  These 3 pictures represent what people see on the outside.  The next 3 pictures represent 3 different sides of my personality to demonstrate what people should look for on the inside.  For this reason, the pictures are still in color.  The sides of my personality I picked to use were athletic, sweet, and goofy.  These 6 pictures will be framed individually and the colored ones will be placed underneath the black and whites.  This is because when we look at a group we read top to bottom, left to right.  The viewer should notice the top pictures first, which are the pictures that demonstrate what people see on the outside, what they notice first.

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