Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Concept for project #2

For this second project, I came up with a couple of ideas.  My first idea was to use the category “important physical attributes.”  My idea using this category was to take three pictures of me and parts of my body I like; for example, hair, eyes, and legs.  Each of these pictures would be black and white and have lighting and cropping like that of a model in a magazine.  This piece would be about me, because they are parts of my body that I personally like, but the piece would also be about how we judge people based on looks.

My second idea was to use the category “events in my life.”  Using this category I would think of three events that have shaped my personality or really had an impact on my life.  I would think about how these events made me feel and decide if they impacted me in a positive or negative way.  Based on how it made me feel and the way it impacted me would be how I changed the piece.  For example, if it had a negative impact the lighting could be really dark and I could be angry in my picture.

The third idea I had for this piece, and the one I am 50/50 with right now, is using the category “aspects of my personality.”  I would take 3 characteristics I feel represent my personality the most and play them up.  The design of each picture, color, lighting, etc, would be based on the trait I chose to use.  There will be three pictures designed differently, but they will all be cohesive.  The final piece would be about me because each picture displays traits I feel stand out the most amongst the others.

The last idea I had, the other 50/50, is combining three of these categories.  I would combine an event, with how it made me feel, and what I strive for after.  Each part of the triptych would be separated in that order.  Also, the way I portray each picture would be how I make it one cohesive piece.

I have many ideas for this project so it is hard for me to come up with one complete concept.  I feel there are many different ways I can do this piece and think that I just need to start with pictures and these beginning ideas/concepts and see where it leads me.

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