Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Comments on Crewdson, Hocks, Wall, & Sherman

Gregory Crewdson's digital prints have a very creepy,  lonely feel.  In most of his pieces there is a figure by themselves surrounded by a background of dark/cooler, rich colors.  Adding to this feeling of eery loneliness is his choice of lighting.  He uses dark, cool colors and has a one, or a few, strong light sources.  I really enjoyed looking at Crewdson's work.  I feel that the bold, rich colors and contrasting light draw the viewer in while the figure makes you wonder why they are there and think about the piece.

 Teun Hocks' work is fun to look at.  I like how he puts himself in his own body of work.  Like most of Crewsdon's images, the figure in each piece is by themselves.  However, Hock makes the image not come off making the viewer feel a sense of being alone.  Hock adds a little humor to his pieces which makes the viewer not feel that sense of angst.  Hock is very precise and uses certain predicaments that we may face each day as a subject to his work.  I also like how he not only uses digital imaging, but paints as well.

 Jeff Wall's images, to me, are more natural when it comes to things such as poses and subject matter.  Unlike Crewdson and Hocks' work, Wall allows people in his pieces to interact with one another which discards the feeling of abandonment.  I feel there is some similarities compared to Hocks' work.  For example, the piece on the left, "Milk," and "A Sudden Gust of Wind" show human predicaments.  The style is different.  It is not as humorous, precise, or staged.  The way Wall approached it was by being natural and realistic, and I like that.

Like Hock, Cindy Sherman puts herself into her own images, and, like both Hock and Crewdson, she is the only figure in the piece.  Again, like Crewdson's work you get a feeling of loneliness.  However, unlike Gregory's pieces, I feel their is a sense of confidence in this loneliness.  In the pictures the figure seems to be alone, but not in a bothersome "eery" sense.  She seems to be independent and confident, and seeing that side or attitude to being alone is nice.  I like how she uses black and white for her pieces as well.  I think it says that the figure can not only be lonely, but confident; but the piece itself can be confident in succeeding without the use of color.  I also think the poses she puts herself in, at the window, in the bedroom, in the hallway at a door, are good places for what she wants to portray.  All those places are places where it is not uncommon to be alone, so it doesn't have that sense of abandonment, but a feeling of independence.

Gregory Crewdson's statement is loneliness/abandonment.  He gets there digitally by using rich, cool colors and harsh lighting.  

Teun Hocks' statement is about human predicaments.  He gets his statements across by digitally putting himself in a painted background having to deal with certain problems.

Jeff Wall's statement is human life.  He gets there digitally by being very natural in his renderings and uses images that have people interacting or in an everyday moment.

Cindy Sherman's statement is independence.  She gets there digitally by having her subject be alone, but putting them in a setting where it's not uncommon to have nobody else around.  To me, by doing this, she gives the character not a sense of abandonment, but of confidence.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

About Me

Hi, my name is Amber O'Kane.  I'm from Marlton, NJ.  I'm a freshman and am a graphic design major.  I always knew I loved art, but I never knew that it would become such a part of me that I would want to create for the rest of my life.  When I was about a sophmore I knew I wanted a career with art and design, however I didn't know what.  Junior year I took a graphic design class where I learned programs like photoshop and indesign, and I loved it.
Some other hobbies that I find fun are sports, like tennis, cooking, seeing new places, and just being around friends and family.


My family has always inspired me.  I thank God everyday for blessing me with such wonderful people in my life.  They are always there when I need them, encourage me to do the best I can, and taught me to do nothing half heartedly.

I love the beach, I think it's so beautiful and so amazing.  I also just saw the grand canyon for the first time 2 summers ago.  Whenever I see something in nature that is so beautiful, I get a feeling of overpowerment and it inspires me to do more.

I just think this is a fun design. It's something I would hope to be able to do some day.